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Idle motor related knowledge


The idling speed of a car is not a speed, but a working state. The idle motor of the engine is controlled by the idle motor. Due to too much dust in the air, when the engine is running, there will be a lot of dirt in the spool and seat of the idle motor. When the ash accumulation is too much, the engine idle speed is too low, the idle stability is poor, and it is easy to stall when driving.

When the engine is idling, it is called idling. If the accelerator pedal is fully relaxed when the engine is running, the engine is idle. The speed at which the engine is idling is called the idling speed. The idle motor can be adjusted by adjusting the throttle size, etc. It really saves fuel. However, doing so is actually very harmful! Because the general motorcycle oil pump is directly driven by the engine crankshaft, this directly leads to the oil pump speed is too low, resulting in insufficient oil pressure. There needs to be a certain oil pressure between the camshaft and the bearing to form an oil film of a certain thickness to ensure lubrication. So only a few thousand kilometers of the car, there is a strange noise in the front, open a look, the camshaft has been scarred.

Experienced drivers know that cars need to be warmed up in the early morning, and the lower the temperature, the longer it takes. So in order to go faster, hotheads press hard on the gas pedal, or temporarily increase the idle speed. This is indeed a lot faster, but at this time, because the cylinder is too cold and attached to the cylinder wall of some gasoline droplets dilute the cylinder wall of the oil, so that the oil film formed between the piston and the cylinder wall is thin, at the same time, the high speed and increase the friction. It should also be noted that the IDLE oil supply is very thick, and the gasoline atomization is poor, which also encourages the formation of larger droplets. In the long run, it's just a matter of time.

High is not good, low is not good, idle motor adjustment is also a certain knowledge, car lovers are strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to adjust and use. Because these have been proven to make your locomotive work in better condition.

Idle motor instability phenomenon is idling operation, the engine flutter speed is not uniform. The reasons are: no-load air flow hole is blocked, or no-load device is not working well, individual cylinder spark plug spark is too weak, individual valve seal is not tight, intake pipe leakage, ignition time is too early or too late, no-load adjustment is improper.

The check and handling methods are as follows: Check and adjust the idle motor. If the fault cannot be removed, check whether the idle motor measurement hole and idle gas measurement hole are blocked. If the measuring hole is blocked, clean it with gasoline and then blow it out with compressed air. When the engine speed is stable at a certain speed, listen to the intake manifold or carburetor, whether the lower gasket has leakage, if there is leakage, you can tighten the screw or increase or reduce the gasket method to eliminate. If the idle motor is unstable and accompanied by engine power decline, it should be further checked whether the spark plug work, valve seal performance and ignition time are correct, and if necessary, repair and adjust.
